Monday 14 April 2014

The Heart in Absentia - Notes on a Void.

There's a story I've been working on, sporadically, called "See Me Now" which may soon be making an appearance here.  It's a three-parter, and only a cruel sadist would describe it as autobiographical.  Yes, it involves someone who's worked for a think-tank, and yes, his relationship with a journalist/blogger is significant (in fact, most of Part 1:  Drinks With The Source deals with that), but there are enough detours and departures, not to mention outright inventions, to justify a carefully-worded prefacing caveat on the nature of fictitious enterprise.  I've learned to be cautious, not through fear (upon which I share Admiral Horatio Nelson's views), but through experience.  In some ways, we're back to that titular matter of privilege, because much of what I want to impart is inextricably bound up with the advantages of access to restricted information.  It's tougher now, in the post-Snowden era, to float anything vaguely resembling intelligence bombshells as casual plot mechanisms, but that shouldn't dissuade us from utilising all the weapons in our arsenals.  Similarly, mainstream media always has an obligation to perform that calculation where 'x' is equal to the sum of greater need divided by 'y' (the personal cost of revelation to the revealer), prior to broadcasting, which is why Part 3:  Hung, Drawn, and Optioned has been such a challenge to complete.

Hopefully, the whole thing will be up here (in first draft form) in the next week or so.  If it isn't, it would probably be safe to assume that either circumstance or harsher judgement has prevailed.