Sunday 28 September 2014

Why busyness isn't good for business.

A smartarse post title.  Well, that's a start.  It's also an implicit explanation, because although there's been no fresh content here for at least a couple of months, there are half a dozen posts sitting in the "drafts" folder, all unfinished for a variety of interruption-based reasons.  Yes, I've been busy, and yes - blogging is, or should be, a "business".

I used to be better at this, of that there's no doubt.  In a different life, I was predictably prolific - churning out daily entries, and participating via comments on a host of other blogs across a wide spectrum.  I've sort of disappeared, and it's a huge relief that no one's (publicly) mourned my passing.

The slightly sad truth is that I care a lot less now about "being heard" than I used to, and - on balance - that's a good thing.  Having something to add, or critique, is part of that "mythical privilege" which I definitively intended to ridicule and exploit when I launched this blog.  The irony of failure can only be appreciated after the fact, but the fact that I'm still alive - and blogging - is actually least to me.  Maybe that's enough, but I suspect that it isn't.

If I've piqued your curiosity about those entries sitting in the "drafts" folder, allow me to "untease" you.  Two of them were attempts to end the perfect blonde narrative I originally launched here about a year ago.  I guess it just didn't want to be terminated so easily.  Another one was a Prufrockian series of observations about a party that never happened, and another was a follow-up to a piece about that girl with pink hair in the park.  Jesus, this really isn't helping, is it?  The last two aborted entries were quite different, and represented some of the difficulties I've experienced in coming to terms with two very different losses.  Neither was satisfactory, and both epitomised the sense of failure which is now my constant companion.

I'm not done here.  Be assured of that. 

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