Thursday 1 January 2015

The Chronosopher In Exile

A work of fiction for Robyne.

Part One:  T-4-2

"It's complicated," she said, putting her bag down on the lateral scanner and waiting for the green light to come on.  The security guard nodded, checking her pass against the convex monitor, and watching as the visual representation of her bag's contents was displayed alongside an accompanying text-based list in five languages.
     "It usually is, now," he sighed.  "Two months ago I was working the night shift at AlphaMax.  That was a walk in the park compared to all...this."
     "Before the contamination?"
     He nodded again.  "It's not just that, though.  We've had all kinds of nutballs passing themselves off as inspectors and Agency affiliates coming through here.  Most of their credentials look sound enough at first glance, so Regis imposed the new protocols, and that just slowed things down even more."
     "I read that Regis might be losing the contract.  Will that affect you?"  She relaxed as the green light glowed.
     "To be honest, I'm past caring.  I'm sub-contracted by the Agency, but we're expecting them to pull a zero-hours number on us any day now.  My wife wants me to apply to the Gonji Palace out on Helipoint at Santana.  They're always looking for new meat puppets, and I'm sick of the public sector."  He paused, looking embarrassed.  "I probably shouldn't be saying this, right?"
     She smiled.  "It's fine.  I get it.  Don't worry, I'm not an undercover Spink about to turn you in or anything.  Am I clear then?"
     "You are.  Welcome to the Resort, Doctor Willis.  Who have you come to see?"
     She fished her 'phone out of her pocket and keyed up the ident file, turning it to show him the screen.
     "Fidelio Carson.  I'm assuming that the name is...assumed?"
     "Probably.  Let me check the Register."  He waved at the console and fired up a virtual keyboard, typing in the name and waiting as his request was processed by the Registry server.  "Wow," he said, "That's weird."
     "What?  Is he here?"
     "Kind of, yeah.  Doctor Willis, are you registered to interview chronosophers?  It's just..."
     She pulled her bag off the lateral scanner and hit the release catch, flipping it open and extracting the virtual paper roll.  Three seconds later, the security guard was on the ground, writhing in agony as six needles pumped venom into his carotid artery.
     "I'm sorry," she said, stepping over his body, "But the Gonji Palace would've driven you crazy.  Too many golfers, not enough caddies.  You'd have been sucking balls until your wife took up with the CareBot just to stay sane."
     She glanced at the console, noting the Resort coordinates before heading towards the elevation platform.

To be continued...  

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