Friday 17 July 2015

Everything Is Real (Just Delayed) - Second Slice

"How bad was it?"  Naoimi still sounded wasted.  I glanced out through the window at Jeanie, the Boy Wonder Harrison, and Don Seligman all huddled around Pete's workstation.  Marcus had said his various pieces, at various volumes, and left about twenty minutes ago.  Whatever he'd brought in on that USB thumb drive was now occupying all their attention on the screen.  Pete especially looked nervous, and was obsessively re-positioning his bobblehead collection on his desk.
     "Pretty much what you'd expect," I told her.  Down the 'phone line, I could hear her breathing, and another sound - something almost mechanical.  "Are you...juicing?"  She laughed.
     "Why don't you come round and find out?"
     "Tempting.  But I can't.  I think your boyfriend wants to buy me dinner."
     "Oh, crap."  The mechanical sound stopped suddenly.  "That's not his style.  He doesn't do extra-curricular.  Ever.  What the Hell is going on?"
     "I'm not sure.  If we're lucky, he's just been seconded by the Scientologists, and I'll escape with a leaflet and some biofeedback readings."
     "Your definition of luck needs some work..."
     "He came prepared today.  I haven't seen it yet, but he dumped a load of stuff on the team and they're going over it now."
     Naoimi sighed.
     "It'll be Dubai.  T, you've got to keep them together.  Marcus has his schemes, and his strategies, but you really need to keep a lid on all this.  Don't let him fuck them over."  Not so wasted now, apparently.  I was riding a very fine line here, and I knew it.  So much for keeping things simple.
     "I hear you, Madam Chairman."  I winced as I said it.  Referencing one of Marcus' tax dodges probably wasn't politic right now.  The mechanical sound resumed.
     "When's your dinner date?"
     At least she didn't sound pissed off.
     "Seven-thirty.  D'Ara's.  I had to Google it.  Somehow I think Marcus has found the only restaurant in London where I'll be expected to help design my own dinner."
     "It's neat.  And so not him.  Go and talk to your team.  Be the Superglue they need."
     Smart.  Resilient.  Tactical.  Not for the first time, I wondered if I'd always slightly loved her.
     "I'll call you," I said.  Her laugh was gentle, not mocking.
     "Of course you will.  Two tips.  Prunes and paprika.  Can't go wrong with those."
     She'd already hung up.

To be continued...

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