Thursday 16 July 2015

Everything Is Real (Just Delayed)

No one has had to deal with Marcus for over a year.  On balance, that's a good thing.  His self-imposed exile meant that, for most of us, real work got done, and everyone started to relax.  Jeanie stopped topping-up her orange juice with vodka, and the Boy Wonder Harrison (don't ask) actually started turning up to meetings with some half-decent ideas drafted on his iPad.  Of course, it was never going to last and, on the morning he returned, I was in the curious position of knowing about it in advance.  I didn't have the heart to break a confidence, though.  At least, not until I'd had the chance to discuss it with him directly.
     "You don't seem surprised to see me, T."  Narrowed eyes, elbow planted against the door frame.
     "Your girlfriend came to see me," I said.  He glanced down at his feet, smiling.
     "Yeah, well, she always did have a bit of a thing for you.  Come on, we both know it."
     Trying to engage confession mode wasn't going to work.  He wasn't there.  Didn't have a clue how scary it had been.
     "I'm not going to give you relationship advice, Marcus, but you're as far off the mark as it's possible to be."
     "You know we haven't spoken since April, right?"
     "She mentioned that.  Something about Dubai?"
     "Oh, yeah.  So, you came in for a classic Naoimi shitstorm of emo crud and recriminations?"
     "Not exactly.  I don't think she's in the business of painting you in villainous hues."
     Marcus laughed.
     "There.  Right there.  That's the T she'd turn to.  What did you do with her?"
     "Last night?  I put her in a taxi and sent her home."
     It was true.  After a fashion.  He didn't need to know that it was effectively our second date, or that she'd augmented the entire charade with enough Class A drugs to fell a DJ convention.
     "The thing about you, T, is that you're big on narrative.  You like to know the plot, and the subtext, and why the hero has to fall."
     I shook my head.
     "No.  Too much of a Stranglers fan to let that pass."
     He immediately looked confused.  Was I playing an unfair advantage?  Did it even matter now?
     "Listen, I'm back pro tem.  That's it.  Whatever the fuck is going on with you and Naoimi - and I accept that it may be nothing - we need to be able to work together for the next four days.  Are you up for it?"
     "I am.  I always have been, Marcus."
     He nodded.
     "Good.  Then let me go and fuck with a few muppet heads, then I'll meet you for dinner at D'Ara's at seven thirty.  Got a few things to float your way.  I promise you won't be disappointed."

To be continued...

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